How to earn money on Facebook $500 every day
okay so what's up guys in this video i'm
going to be walking you guys through how
you can make 100 every single day using
facebook right so by the end of the
video you're going to get a point where
you're going to be able to go out there
and make 100 for yourself every single
day and i've actually gotten to a point
where i was actually making over 3000 a
day and i'm just going to teach you guys
how to make like a small percentage of
that which is actually about a hundred
dollars every single day using facebook
so i'm going to walk you guys through
everything you need to do but first of
all there are a few things we're going
to need to talk about first of all my
name is Azhar Natwar khan and what i do is
that i'm an internet marketer i make
most of my money on the internet and
whenever i find something that's working
for me i come here i record a video
showing you guys what i'm doing what's
working for me so you guys can actually
copy the same thing and do the same
thing for yourself it is some results or
even better results for yourself right
so that's what i do here and now that
you know what i do i'm not going to go
ahead and talk about how the whole
facebook thing is going to work first of
all if you're someone that's all about
making money online uh affiliate
marketing all these things go ahead and
smash the red subscribe button on
notifications because whenever i drop a
video here all that's going to do is
that it's going to send you a
notification from youtube saying that
then you'll drop another video you're
going to be the first to watch learn and
do what i'm doing that way you're going
to be able to make money right so yeah
that said i'm going to talk about three
things before i get into my laptop
screen here and walk you guys through
everything step by step and exactly how
you can go about making this whole thing
work right so first of all i'm gonna
talk about how you're gonna be getting
paid from facebook secondly we're gonna
be talking about how many clicks you're
gonna need a day to make a hundred
dollars every single day on average
finally we're gonna talk about like the
geographies that are actually allowed
right so first of all about how you're
gonna be getting paid you can use your
bank that's where transfer
you can use a check right so for a check
you're going to need an address they're
going to send you a check to your
address you're going to cash out the
check but the way i transfer you just
need your bank account putting your bank
account put in a government issued id
and stuff you're going to get paid into
your bank account and now that you guys
know that i'm going to go ahead and talk
about um how exactly how many clicks you
actually need to actually get to 100 a
day and as you guys that you need around
60 to 65 clicks a day to actually make
100 dollars a day and i'm going to be
walking you guys through how you can get
that every single day and make sure
actually making money right so me
telling you that you're gonna be needing
about 65 clicks a day doesn't mean that
you you're like that is guaranteed it's
just an estimate based on epc so epc
means endings per click like global
enemies probably that's what other
people that are doing about to teach you
actually making around around a dollar
35 cents per click that means you need
around 65 or 60 clicks every single day
to actually make money
right to make up two hundred dollars a
day right guys so that's
how it's calculated right this so don't
think that you just go out there guess
the five clicks and actually get money
that's wrong information and i don't
give you wrong information here so yeah
now that we've talked about that we're
not going to go ahead and talk about the
final thing which is actually the
geographies where this thing is allowed
right so first of all it's actually an
international business the the guys are
gonna pay you out the money through
facebook they they allow a bunch of
countries except a few like nigeria
bangladesh pakistan and um
north korea and those countries as well
if you're from those countries you can
go and check out my videos there's a
video on my channel right now that is
titled how to create a clickbank account
for free in unallowed countries right so
you can watch that video learn how to
bypass the whole clickbank thing because
clickbank is the site we're going to be
using alongside facebook because
facebook has a bunch of people on it to
actually make a hundred dollars every
single day consistently and now that you
know how you're going to get paid how
many clicks you need to get paid and
where you need to be to be making money
i'm now going to go ahead and get into
my laptop screen right now and walk you
through everything you need to know as
you guys using facebook to make 100 a
day and i want to mention here some of
you guys are going to ask me danielle is
this going to work for me if i'm using a
phone or a laptop what do i need
actually you can do this from either
your phone on your laptop it doesn't
really matter as long as the device
you're using has access to the internet
it's going to work for you right guys so
that's it we're not gonna get right into
my laptop screen here i'm gonna walk you
guys to everything but don't forget to
smash the subscribe button turn on
notifications if you're all about making
money online and that one aside don't
forget to leave me a like here comment
down below saying let's get that money
if you're pumped about learning how to
make this money for yourself and now
that i've said that we're not going to
get right into the video where i'm going
to walk you guys through everything guys
so okay guys so now that i'm actually
here on my facebook you can see what my
facebook looks like right here right
guys so yeah now that i'm uh that i'm
here i'm gonna go ahead and walk you
guys through
what i'm talking about right here so
yeah if you actually come onto uh um
facebook right here you have to log out
of your own personal account and create
a new account
probably still use your name use your
profile picture just a normal account
for yourself
and this time around you want to put
in a country
like a a first world country right so
these countries include the us the uk
canada australia and new zealand these
five countries put yourself in one of
those countries while creating that
account was to use your profile picture
your stuff your address should be one of
the address in one of those countries
right there and like once you've done
that you should do like one account for
each country like just create five
accounts for
five these five countries and start
using them one after data so log into
the usa one for example
when you log into that one let's assume
you're inside the account right now
you're simply gonna come to this
facebook search bar right here you're
gonna search for uh weight
loss right here
hit search you're gonna see a bunch of
results right here so simply scroll down
to the left right here scroll down and
sorry uh go let's go back a bit okay go
down here where it says groups click on
where it says groups right there it's
going to show you
weight loss groups right here so you can
see i'm already a member of a lot of
them here because i promote things on
here actively so let me find ones i'm
not a member of nine you can see this
one says
health tips for weight loss 56k members
public group 330 posts a day
k members 150 posts a day
this one says
um um 68 game members three posts a day
now you want to avoid groups like this
that have three posts today is showing
you that these groups are not active
you're not going to make any money
inside of there you want to join these
ones that have over 200 posts now this
one has 330 posts a day this one has 450
posts a day and you want to join
facebook groups like this just click on
join right here
and yeah so once you've done that let me
assume that one of these ones here are
the ones that i've actually joined what
you have to go ahead and do is to go
ahead and click on let me say for
example uh this one that says fitness
and weight loss go ahead and click on
and when you click on that you're gonna
see where it says the members right here
click on members and when you click on
members you're going to see members that
are new to the group
right there
and what you want to do is you want to
carefully keep on looking at this people
right here so you can click on natural
railway magazine you can hover over his
page now this is a page so you want to
go out of there so be strong
there's also a page as well
if you're new to there's also a
page as well
my amazon store
there's also a page as well
doctor tristan pay
there's also a page as well
right so i'm looking for human beings
right here i'm seeing pages look at this
chef zach let me see this one
this is a page as well let me scroll
down here
right you have to carefully scroll
now this is a page so you have to keep
on going down right here keep on going
tempo training this is a facebook pages
well now you can
keep going down here this is dennis
okay now this is an example this is a
real human being dennis cohen right here
wilhin who studied as painful star who
lives in sacramento california so now
you know that he lives in the usa and
you know that he's interested in weight
loss he's not a facebook page online so
go ahead and click on add friend right
there add him as your friend right there
so find more people like this and slowly
build up a facebook profile that has
strictly people that are interested in
weight loss right when you have people
that are interested in weight loss that
are in top tier countries in each of
these your five accounts let me say you
get at least a thousand friends on e5
account it should take you like um
five days or so
to get to that that's over 5000 people
from five different countries and if you
can do more you can get 10 000 people
from five different countries right so
once you've done those things right now
you're done with the first part so at
this point now you're not gonna have to
go to
uh a site called right is one of the biggest
affiliate networks in the world right
now they've been the biggest for the
past 20 years now understood the biggest
right now they have the
best products so when you come here
click on sign up and remember i told you
guys that they're going to pay you out
through either your check or your wire
transfer so the way i transfer one uh
you're going to need to um i'm just
putting your bank details
and uh
put in a government issue that they have
so or or something like that and the
checkpoint you need an address so that
you're gonna send the check to your
address guys so
if you notice i also told you guys that
that you cannot log into clickbank
if you're from countries like nigeria
bangladesh pakistan and north korea
right so
there are a bunch of weather on the last
countries but how you know is if you
come here and click on
sign up or log in and it shows you the
page isn't working that means you're
actually banned right so what you need
to do is to go and watch my video go to
my channel or go to youtube and search
um how
to create
a clickbank
account in nigeria
or if your country is not listed it's
simple and you're going to see videos
now this is my video the third one here
this video i made right here so
go there watch this video right here
when you watch this video right here you
learn what i've i'll teach you there and
are going to be able to get into
clickbank after watching that video guys
so yeah that's literally what it is
right there so yeah um when you've
gotten your account and got insider
you're going to be able to get access to
the clickbank marketplace you should
look something like this right here let
me open it up real quick so when you get
access to the clickbank marketplace it
should look something like what you're
seeing on the screen here right you
should have a bunch of products here
right so when you come here and click on
real quick
you're gonna see that it's gonna pop up
the top selling products for you just
click on search don't type anything in
here at the top selling thing here this
one called java bond it's a weight loss
supplement java bond
so when you come here click on promote
you're going to be able to get
your your your um
your affiliate link you put in your
account username here and click on
generate hop links right there and
they're gonna give you your affiliate
link right there right so like i said
you're gonna need around 60 clicks a day
to be getting paid right here right so
click on
copy your affiliate link now you need to
go over to bitly
and shut on that link right go to bitly
create a link shot now i'm not going to
show you how to do that it's very very
simple so once you've done that when you
click on your link and visit your link
it's going to take you straight up to
the java bond website right so
let's just um
click on the link and see where it takes
so now you can see what java bond page
looks like it has a video sales letter
here and then people get to buy the
supplement and when they buy you get a
commission of over 110 dollars from what
you can see here
yeah now that you've gotten to this
stage right here
right i'm not going to say we now have
our link we have everything we need
we're not going to have to copy this
link and we're not going to have to go
on to facebook right here
on our profile
right we're going to go on our profile
and we're going to find
on google we're going to go on on on
search for
and after
and after pictures
right there
are there a bunch of them right here so
you can post up these pictures on on
your on your on your on your facebook
timeline and tell people that are your
friends that they can go and check uh
javan i'll put a link to java born and
that way
people out of those 1000 or 2000 people
who are your friends from the us you're
going to notice that you're going to be
getting a bunch of them to click over
and after those first clicks you're
going to see a few sales even if you
don't see sales don't worry as long as
you're seeing clicks you're actually
making progress so
after that you're
you're now going to go ahead and start
messaging them one-on-one message them
one by one become your friends chat with
them build their relationship get them
to trust you and when they actually
trust you what you then do is you then
pitch the product to them again like
send them supplements and stuff and that
way you're gonna say that you're gonna
start making season actually what you
need to make 100 is actually just one
sale you've made a hundred dollars guys
that's literally how easy it is right
here so yeah that's
like what you need to do to make over
100 every single day using facebook
right so remember like i said this thing
is going to work for you
from almost anywhere in the world
unless you're from one of those
countries that are banned and if you're
from there you can go and watch my video
here you can go to youtube search for
how to create a feedback account if your
country is not listed watch this my
video here and when you watch the video
right there you're going to learn
exactly like what you need to do and do
it get your account get in there get
your link go onto facebook do what i've
told you and you're going to have the
money rolling very very soon guys so
that's literally what it is right there
guys so this is a very short and
straight to the point video guys that's
gonna be all for this one if you enjoyed
this one go ahead and leave me a like on
this one drop me a comment saying thank
you daniel or saying let's get that
money if you're motivated and you
believe you can do this and once you've
done those things subscribe turn on
notifications if you're gonna want to
see more videos like i said if you
enjoyed this video be sure to check out
the two that are gonna be up on the
screen right now because i'm sure if you
love this one you're gonna love those
ones as well so i'm gonna see you guys
in those ones let's go peace
okay so what's up guys in this video i'm
going to be walking you guys through how
you can make 100 every single day using
facebook right so by the end of the
video you're going to get a point where
you're going to be able to go out there
and make 100 for yourself every single
day and i've actually gotten to a point
where i was actually making over 3000 a
day and i'm just going to teach you guys
how to make like a small percentage of
that which is actually about a hundred
dollars every single day using facebook
so i'm going to walk you guys through
everything you need to do but first of
all there are a few things we're going
to need to talk about first of all my
name is Azhar Natwar khan and what i do is
that i'm an internet marketer i make
most of my money on the internet and
whenever i find something that's working
for me i come here i record a video
showing you guys what i'm doing what's
working for me so you guys can actually
copy the same thing and do the same
thing for yourself it is some results or
even better results for yourself right
so that's what i do here and now that
you know what i do i'm not going to go
ahead and talk about how the whole
facebook thing is going to work first of
all if you're someone that's all about
making money online uh affiliate
marketing all these things go ahead and
smash the red subscribe button on
notifications because whenever i drop a
video here all that's going to do is
that it's going to send you a
notification from youtube saying that
then you'll drop another video you're
going to be the first to watch learn and
do what i'm doing that way you're going
to be able to make money right so yeah
that said i'm going to talk about three
things before i get into my laptop
screen here and walk you guys through
everything step by step and exactly how
you can go about making this whole thing
work right so first of all i'm gonna
talk about how you're gonna be getting
paid from facebook secondly we're gonna
be talking about how many clicks you're
gonna need a day to make a hundred
dollars every single day on average
finally we're gonna talk about like the
geographies that are actually allowed
right so first of all about how you're
gonna be getting paid you can use your
bank that's where transfer
you can use a check right so for a check
you're going to need an address they're
going to send you a check to your
address you're going to cash out the
check but the way i transfer you just
need your bank account putting your bank
account put in a government issued id
and stuff you're going to get paid into
your bank account and now that you guys
know that i'm going to go ahead and talk
about um how exactly how many clicks you
actually need to actually get to 100 a
day and as you guys that you need around
60 to 65 clicks a day to actually make
100 dollars a day and i'm going to be
walking you guys through how you can get
that every single day and make sure
actually making money right so me
telling you that you're gonna be needing
about 65 clicks a day doesn't mean that
you you're like that is guaranteed it's
just an estimate based on epc so epc
means endings per click like global
enemies probably that's what other
people that are doing about to teach you
actually making around around a dollar
35 cents per click that means you need
around 65 or 60 clicks every single day
to actually make money
right to make up two hundred dollars a
day right guys so that's
how it's calculated right this so don't
think that you just go out there guess
the five clicks and actually get money
that's wrong information and i don't
give you wrong information here so yeah
now that we've talked about that we're
not going to go ahead and talk about the
final thing which is actually the
geographies where this thing is allowed
right so first of all it's actually an
international business the the guys are
gonna pay you out the money through
facebook they they allow a bunch of
countries except a few like nigeria
bangladesh pakistan and um
north korea and those countries as well
if you're from those countries you can
go and check out my videos there's a
video on my channel right now that is
titled how to create a clickbank account
for free in unallowed countries right so
you can watch that video learn how to
bypass the whole clickbank thing because
clickbank is the site we're going to be
using alongside facebook because
facebook has a bunch of people on it to
actually make a hundred dollars every
single day consistently and now that you
know how you're going to get paid how
many clicks you need to get paid and
where you need to be to be making money
i'm now going to go ahead and get into
my laptop screen right now and walk you
through everything you need to know as
you guys using facebook to make 100 a
day and i want to mention here some of
you guys are going to ask me danielle is
this going to work for me if i'm using a
phone or a laptop what do i need
actually you can do this from either
your phone on your laptop it doesn't
really matter as long as the device
you're using has access to the internet
it's going to work for you right guys so
that's it we're not gonna get right into
my laptop screen here i'm gonna walk you
guys to everything but don't forget to
smash the subscribe button turn on
notifications if you're all about making
money online and that one aside don't
forget to leave me a like here comment
down below saying let's get that money
if you're pumped about learning how to
make this money for yourself and now
that i've said that we're not going to
get right into the video where i'm going
to walk you guys through everything guys
so okay guys so now that i'm actually
here on my facebook you can see what my
facebook looks like right here right
guys so yeah now that i'm uh that i'm
here i'm gonna go ahead and walk you
guys through
what i'm talking about right here so
yeah if you actually come onto uh um
facebook right here you have to log out
of your own personal account and create
a new account
probably still use your name use your
profile picture just a normal account
for yourself
and this time around you want to put
in a country
like a a first world country right so
these countries include the us the uk
canada australia and new zealand these
five countries put yourself in one of
those countries while creating that
account was to use your profile picture
your stuff your address should be one of
the address in one of those countries
right there and like once you've done
that you should do like one account for
each country like just create five
accounts for
five these five countries and start
using them one after data so log into
the usa one for example
when you log into that one let's assume
you're inside the account right now
you're simply gonna come to this
facebook search bar right here you're
gonna search for uh weight
loss right here
hit search you're gonna see a bunch of
results right here so simply scroll down
to the left right here scroll down and
sorry uh go let's go back a bit okay go
down here where it says groups click on
where it says groups right there it's
going to show you
weight loss groups right here so you can
see i'm already a member of a lot of
them here because i promote things on
here actively so let me find ones i'm
not a member of nine you can see this
one says
health tips for weight loss 56k members
public group 330 posts a day
k members 150 posts a day
this one says
um um 68 game members three posts a day
now you want to avoid groups like this
that have three posts today is showing
you that these groups are not active
you're not going to make any money
inside of there you want to join these
ones that have over 200 posts now this
one has 330 posts a day this one has 450
posts a day and you want to join
facebook groups like this just click on
join right here
and yeah so once you've done that let me
assume that one of these ones here are
the ones that i've actually joined what
you have to go ahead and do is to go
ahead and click on let me say for
example uh this one that says fitness
and weight loss go ahead and click on
and when you click on that you're gonna
see where it says the members right here
click on members and when you click on
members you're going to see members that
are new to the group
right there
and what you want to do is you want to
carefully keep on looking at this people
right here so you can click on natural
railway magazine you can hover over his
page now this is a page so you want to
go out of there so be strong
there's also a page as well
if you're new to there's also a
page as well
my amazon store
there's also a page as well
doctor tristan pay
there's also a page as well
right so i'm looking for human beings
right here i'm seeing pages look at this
chef zach let me see this one
this is a page as well let me scroll
down here
right you have to carefully scroll
now this is a page so you have to keep
on going down right here keep on going
tempo training this is a facebook pages
well now you can
keep going down here this is dennis
okay now this is an example this is a
real human being dennis cohen right here
wilhin who studied as painful star who
lives in sacramento california so now
you know that he lives in the usa and
you know that he's interested in weight
loss he's not a facebook page online so
go ahead and click on add friend right
there add him as your friend right there
so find more people like this and slowly
build up a facebook profile that has
strictly people that are interested in
weight loss right when you have people
that are interested in weight loss that
are in top tier countries in each of
these your five accounts let me say you
get at least a thousand friends on e5
account it should take you like um
five days or so
to get to that that's over 5000 people
from five different countries and if you
can do more you can get 10 000 people
from five different countries right so
once you've done those things right now
you're done with the first part so at
this point now you're not gonna have to
go to
uh a site called right is one of the biggest
affiliate networks in the world right
now they've been the biggest for the
past 20 years now understood the biggest
right now they have the
best products so when you come here
click on sign up and remember i told you
guys that they're going to pay you out
through either your check or your wire
transfer so the way i transfer one uh
you're going to need to um i'm just
putting your bank details
and uh
put in a government issue that they have
so or or something like that and the
checkpoint you need an address so that
you're gonna send the check to your
address guys so
if you notice i also told you guys that
that you cannot log into clickbank
if you're from countries like nigeria
bangladesh pakistan and north korea
right so
there are a bunch of weather on the last
countries but how you know is if you
come here and click on
sign up or log in and it shows you the
page isn't working that means you're
actually banned right so what you need
to do is to go and watch my video go to
my channel or go to youtube and search
um how
to create
a clickbank
account in nigeria
or if your country is not listed it's
simple and you're going to see videos
now this is my video the third one here
this video i made right here so
go there watch this video right here
when you watch this video right here you
learn what i've i'll teach you there and
are going to be able to get into
clickbank after watching that video guys
so yeah that's literally what it is
right there so yeah um when you've
gotten your account and got insider
you're going to be able to get access to
the clickbank marketplace you should
look something like this right here let
me open it up real quick so when you get
access to the clickbank marketplace it
should look something like what you're
seeing on the screen here right you
should have a bunch of products here
right so when you come here and click on
real quick
you're gonna see that it's gonna pop up
the top selling products for you just
click on search don't type anything in
here at the top selling thing here this
one called java bond it's a weight loss
supplement java bond
so when you come here click on promote
you're going to be able to get
your your your um
your affiliate link you put in your
account username here and click on
generate hop links right there and
they're gonna give you your affiliate
link right there right so like i said
you're gonna need around 60 clicks a day
to be getting paid right here right so
click on
copy your affiliate link now you need to
go over to bitly
and shut on that link right go to bitly
create a link shot now i'm not going to
show you how to do that it's very very
simple so once you've done that when you
click on your link and visit your link
it's going to take you straight up to
the java bond website right so
let's just um
click on the link and see where it takes
so now you can see what java bond page
looks like it has a video sales letter
here and then people get to buy the
supplement and when they buy you get a
commission of over 110 dollars from what
you can see here
yeah now that you've gotten to this
stage right here
right i'm not going to say we now have
our link we have everything we need
we're not going to have to copy this
link and we're not going to have to go
on to facebook right here
on our profile
right we're going to go on our profile
and we're going to find
on google we're going to go on on on
search for
and after
and after pictures
right there
are there a bunch of them right here so
you can post up these pictures on on
your on your on your on your facebook
timeline and tell people that are your
friends that they can go and check uh
javan i'll put a link to java born and
that way
people out of those 1000 or 2000 people
who are your friends from the us you're
going to notice that you're going to be
getting a bunch of them to click over
and after those first clicks you're
going to see a few sales even if you
don't see sales don't worry as long as
you're seeing clicks you're actually
making progress so
after that you're
you're now going to go ahead and start
messaging them one-on-one message them
one by one become your friends chat with
them build their relationship get them
to trust you and when they actually
trust you what you then do is you then
pitch the product to them again like
send them supplements and stuff and that
way you're gonna say that you're gonna
start making season actually what you
need to make 100 is actually just one
sale you've made a hundred dollars guys
that's literally how easy it is right
here so yeah that's
like what you need to do to make over
100 every single day using facebook
right so remember like i said this thing
is going to work for you
from almost anywhere in the world
unless you're from one of those
countries that are banned and if you're
from there you can go and watch my video
here you can go to youtube search for
how to create a feedback account if your
country is not listed watch this my
video here and when you watch the video
right there you're going to learn
exactly like what you need to do and do
it get your account get in there get
your link go onto facebook do what i've
told you and you're going to have the
money rolling very very soon guys so
that's literally what it is right there
guys so this is a very short and
straight to the point video guys that's
gonna be all for this one if you enjoyed
this one go ahead and leave me a like on
this one drop me a comment saying thank
you daniel or saying let's get that
money if you're motivated and you
believe you can do this and once you've
done those things subscribe turn on
notifications if you're gonna want to
see more videos like i said if you
enjoyed this video be sure to check out
the two that are gonna be up on the
screen right now because i'm sure if you
love this one you're gonna love those
ones as well so i'm gonna see you guys
in those ones let's go peace