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Duty Society,Review


Duty Society, by student’s choice, is considered the best coaching institute whether one is aspiring to crack JEE or Medical entrance.

Initially, when founded in 1920, it was the only institution that provided coaching for all science subjects, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths under one roof in Aligarh.

 Since then, this strong institution has grown to become one of the premiere institutes for pre-medical and IIT Coaching. Well Equipped with eminent faculty and efficient staff.

Competitive spirit is encouraged with regular tests, and assessments. Duty conducts DTSE, a talent Encouragement exam for students studying in Class V to XI (Science) to mentor students in a foundation age.

Also offers massive scholarships based on DTSE to attract bright students at a young age. Duty’s course curriculum comprising of sheets, tests and MAJORSs and MINORs (Regular Analysis through Continuous Exercises) are well-designed to help an aspirant to recognise the areas in which he or she needs an improvement in their study patterns. Also, these class tests and quizzes are designed to help one improvise their critical thinking and to increase their speed in such exams.

In addition to that the provision of “Doubt counters” is one of the most fascinating features of Duty Society. The teachers are available at all times on the doubt counter to help students with all their doubts.

With amazing infrastructure and interactive classroom sessions, this institute does complete justice to their vision of generating guaranteed results for students in JEE and NEET.


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coaching centre in aligarh for jee

 Best coaching for IIT JEE in Aligarh Coaching is a key element for handling the right future and Duty Society lead them to better performance and results for JEE reflects the path for the organizational achievement of goals and integrating its students . I´m glad to say that courses is very complete as it is an assorted set of enriching learning elements: video-lessons, quizzes, readings, peer-review assesments, Doubt Solving and the suggested activities like interviewing with an actual coach - which is a very fulfilling experience in the learning process and one of my favorite activities for it leads you to interact with a real coach. Please keep delivering and developing quality education. I express my sincere and grateful: Thanks!

अलीगढ़ में बिना नक्‍शे के बनी एक दर्जन से अधिक दुकानें सील

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