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how to make diamond in english

how to make diamond in english

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it's two and a half thousand degrees in
there and inside that flame there's all
sorts of chemical chaos all the time
different carbon compounds are forming
than burning away again but if I get the
conditions just right the hardest
molecules will survive the diamonds I
really have no idea if this is gonna
work but if diamonds are gonna grow
they'll grow right there
where the flame meets the plate and
they're gonna grow some by Adam so it
could take a long time as far as I know
no one in Britain has ever managed to do
this and I need to run it for hours
before I even know if it's working you
can actually see Berkeley stuff keeping
up albeit only slightly in the middle of
that metal plate so far this has taken 8
hours 7 hours and it's a long long stint
just to get that but the longer you
leave it it's like gambling do I let it
go further with the chances of bigger
diamonds or do I quit now before I lose
everything I don't want to quit now I
want to keep it going
if I've got this right those tiny
crystals are going to grow as layer
after layer of carbon atoms are laid
down forming lovely sparkling diamonds
but only if I've got this exactly right
these diamonds if in fact they are
diamonds may be tiny but they are the
start of something very big because it's
only by growing diamonds in this steady
controlled way that we stand a chance of
being able to take advantage of all
their other amazing properties beyond
just being very hard and very shining so
now I'm gonna try and get these things
out of here without destroying them
still shine it's just for the black and
sheen now I need to do is tape these
little fellas somewhere where somebody
can tell me but certain weather we've
made diamonds or not so we have dr.
Martin Newton at Warwick University
should know he's at the cutting edge of
diamond research and starts by showing
me a large bonafide he gemstone there is
a diamond looks like a diamond cut along
like a diamond so if you pop that in
your machine will be able to see exactly
what it is we're hoping to see I've my
dog exactly there's one very easy test a
technique called Raman scattering by
shining a laser light on the sample yep
and looking at the light that's
scattered back from the sample so
diamond is really simple there's one
characteristic Raman frequency 13:32
really nice diagnostic if it comes out
with the correct kind of ram and
frequency it is unequivocably diamonds
unequivocally done all right let's see
what the real thing looks like it just
pop it underneath the microscope so you
can see the diamond you can see the nice
sharp edges underneath switch the laser
on it set to run there we go
a really sharp peak in fact so sharp
butter it's just ticked off the top bang
on that's time
so that's what I'm hoping for with this
show me a look yes there definitely
sparkly I think we might be in danger
for getting carried away here right I'm
not massively heartened okay we can see
we're sitting on top of crystal laser on
it now lay this is eat this is the
moment of truth
hey is time


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